Posts Tagged ‘March’

A Little Child Eats a Cookie.

peregrination \pehr-uh-gruh-NAY-shun\, noun:

A traveling from place to place; a wandering.

“That peregrination has taught me well. I know the ways of the world and of the places where the world has no sway. I know which tones to play when I need a song to keep me warm at night. I know which paths to tread when I wish to find my way home. I know which trails to blaze when I want to get away from it all.
“But it also has jaded me. I find myself disinterested with all the things of man. I feel the urge to wander again and again and again. It tugs me towards the open raod and away from comfort and stability.”

“But what will teach me the way,
When the peregrination finds me,
And pulls me towards the fray,
Of open roads and brazen trees.”

One Hundred and Thirty Six


Mouldering, smouldering, lying beneath the ground
Churning, worming, falling apart, but coffin bound
Crawling, gnawing, things without eyes
Waiting, waiting, ’til even death dies.

Here’s another bit of the March of Words! ™ for your viewing pleasure. I haven’t done this in a while, but at least I’ll learn a new word today. The word for today is:

foment \foh-MENT; FOH-ment\, transitive verb:

1. To nurse to life or activity; to incite; to abet; to instigate; — often in a bad sense.
2. Fomentation; the act of fomenting.
3. State of excitation.

“The mind comes and goes and tells us what is and what might be and what should be, but never does it foment an idea outside of what we have experienced. All things, even the wildest imagination, must have a basis in reality.”

“Thus it will foment and churn and boil and bring an end to all peace and tranquility, until you are finally driven to look inside. You will not know exactly what it is that you find, but you will know that you failed at your task, and that you have failed me” – Part of a story that I have yet to write.

Marching On

sycophant \SIK-uh-fuhnt\, noun:

A person who attempts to win favor by flattering people of wealth or influence; a parasite; a toady.

“Those who vote in favor of unjustice and throw their lots in with the lesser man are often the sycophants of our modern age. For, as the poets say, what profits a man who gains the world but loses his soul? He profits by the gains of money and status, but loses the respect of all good men and all true hearts.”

“The lugubrious sycophant,

Tells us why he fawns,

Over ancient royalties,

And casted, golden crowns.”

On the Sixth Day of Christmas…

One wonders whether that would be enough to be considered a “gaggle”. Today’s contest is that the first one to post a comment telling me how many geese are in this picture, will get a cookie*! All right, after you all scramble to post your guesses, you can come back and see that I am actually continuing on the March of Words!(tm).

Our word today is:

gallimaufry \gal-uh-MAW-free\, noun:

A hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.

Eh, someone might even refer to this whole operation as a gallimaufry. Anyway, moving on.

“And that it is, with strange despair, that I should find my love in that gallimaufry of jumbled limbs and burning faces. A thousand sweet songs being wrenched from a million rotted throats all for the amusement of those who know nothing of the reality of life and love.”

“A gallimaufry is what I have inside my head. I bring out bits and pieces and tiny specks of ideas until I run dry. Then I sleep. And by that sleep I find in my dreams even more of that which I had run out of. I find leaping rhymes and half-forgotten lines, and I find things that I have read and things that I have yet to write.”

*We here at Procrastinating Poet do not want to infringe on your right to privacy. We will never ask for your home address, password, date of birth, or firstborn child. This does, however, mean that the winner cannot recieve said cookie as a prize, but will instead have the satisfaction of knowing that it will not be wasted.

On the Second Day of Christmas…

Hooray for day two! Wait, does something look wrong to you? No? Oh, well then, let’s get a move on to other things. I might as well let you know now, though it is a ways away from now, that I’ll be taking a rather large hiatus in the summertime. I’ll probably mention it again when it gets closer. I won’t be able to post for a week or two at a time, and then maybe once on a weekend.

“In my devices for comity, I find my tongue being stayed by the foul odors that berate me from every edge of the world. If my voice is not heard soon, I believe that it will not be able to aid anymore the strife of our world.”
– Dalrigar of the Hollows

“The comity of nations cannot always work in tune with the ethics of nations.”

By the way, I am going to begin giving you the actual definition of each of the words for the March of Words! ™ as I get through them. To begin I will give you the first two.

largess \lar-ZHES; lar-JES; LAR-jes\, noun;
also largesse:

1. Generous giving (as of gifts or money), often accompanied by condescension.
2. Gifts, money, or other valuables so given.
3. Generosity; liberality.

palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:

1. To make (an offense or crime) seem less serious; extenuate.
2. To make less severe or intense; mitigate.
3. To relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder.

comity \KOM-uh-tee\, noun:

1. A state of mutual harmony, friendship, and respect, especially between or among nations or people; civility.
2. The courteous recognition by one nation of the laws and institutions of another.
3. The group of nations observing international comity.

That’s a lot to swallow all at once. So I’ll give you a rest until tomorrow (or maybe some other day). In the future there will only be one of these definitions per day, so it’ll be easier. Remember, try and use at least one of these new words at least twice in the next hour in order to remember them all the better.

On the First Day of Christmas…

There you go. We have begun the (in)famous Twelve Days of Christmas that I have been promising. Anti-climactic? Never! And now on to the continuing adventures of the March of Words! ™.

“The ills of the world are so taught as to seem less horrible than they really are. This attempt to palliate our troubles will not go unnoticed for long; eventually, someone will catch on to what exactly is happening in this place we call home.”

“Sweet nepenthe, palliation of the heart. Why must we all suffer that they may rise above our strife? Go, take your problems and bring me back my rabbit-hole of distraction. Let us all find such a sweet and sorrowful way to get away from pain.”

Almost There, and a Long March

So, only one day away from the Twelve Days of Christmas special that I promised. And I can tel you now: it’s going to be awesome, it’s going to be epic, it’s going to be way over hyped.

Now I just have to figure out exactly what I’ll do for it. Before tomorrow. Wish me luck! Oh, I also have to figure out all the words to the song.

On a slightly different note: I heard the other day that when you learn a new word, if you are able to use it twice before an hour is up, you have a hugely greater chance to remember it and its meaning. So for the next few days I’ll be doing the “March of Words! ™”

Along with the Twelve Days of Christmas. Too much on my plate? Never!

So, the March of Words! ™ works in this way. I will learn a new word, usually courtesy of and their word of the day.

Then I will author and post at least two bits of tid that contain that word, used properly. Get the idea? Good. Here we go for the first in the March of Words! ™.

Today’s word will be written in bold in each.

“The man’s largesse was bountiful to all but they that needed not, but his condescension in giving was ever present and foremost in the minds of those unfortunates to which he gave.”

“The pirate’s largesse,
A cache of daimonds,
As bigs as fists,
And ruby almonds.

And a different tone,
In cash we’ll sing,
When we’ve been given,
His golden rings.”